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About Us

South East Ballet Scholars Associate programme was developed in 2007.


The programme is specifically for talented students who aspire to a career in dance and every student who has participated in the programme since its inception has gained a place at one of the prestigious summer training schools for classical ballet.

Not just for girls, the SEBS programme has a Boys-only curriculum too so that talented young male dancers can reach their potential. 














The SEBS programme has been developed to compliment student’s ballet training with their current teacher and they are expected to continue study with their regular dance tutor in addition to the SEBS  classes.

SEBS tutors are all highly experienced in the world of classical ballet as performers as well as tutors. We feel it is important that students learn from the best in order to find the best within themselves, and that they learn about the reality of a career in dance.

Dance is a vocation, a calling, and requires dedication and often sacrifices. As well as dance talent, students need to understand the commitment and dedication that will be required of them. SEBS will help them achieve their best both physically and mentally and give them the support and training they require to be successful in the world of dance. To this end, all classes are small no more than 18 per class and places limited. Classes are also accompanied by live musicians.

Junior Level A and B

Classes are held in the afternoon on a saturday, please see our term dates page for more details. 

The basic principles of anatomy will be taught in a specialised class to allow the students to investigate and be inquisitive of the muscular system and how it applies to Classical Ballet. this will be followed through to a 45 minutes dedicated class of Pilates based floor exercises before taking their classical class of the day. They will finish their day with a fun and educational class of drama relating to the current world of classical ballet to enhance students expression and performance skills.

Assessments and feedback to students and current teacher are part of the Summer Term and are conducted by The Principal and Director of the SEBS course

Jazz and Contemporary lessons will be also part of the course and will be inserted into the timetable periodically.

Minimum age 8 years - auditionees can be 7 years when applying.

Mid Level A and B

Classes are held in the afternoon on a saturday, please see our term dates page for more details. Intensive Ballet training incorporating dedicated classes for floor barre and Pilates based body conditioning. Specialised classes in anatomy continues with a deeper understanding of the use of their muscles, the correct terminology to aid deeper understanding and allow for students musicality and artistry to develop alongside their technical progression. They finish their day with specific classes in Drama for Dancers to aid their development as full rounded artist for todays climate and enhance and develop students expression and performance skills.

Assessments and feedback to students and current teachers are part of the Summer Term and are conducted by The Principal and Director of the SEBS course.

Jazz and Contemporary lessons will be also part of the course and will be inserted into the timetable periodically.

Minimum age 11 years - auditonees can be 10 years when applying.

Senior Level

Classes are held in the afternoon on a saturday, please see our term dates page for more details. This time will included a 2 hour Classical Ballet Class with Pointe work/virtuosity, Repertoire and musical  and artistic development ready for auditions into Upper Classical schools. 45 minutes specialised advanced Pilates based body conditioning class, dedicated class on focused Anatomy with additional management techniques in a wide variety of areas and will conclude with a Drama for Dancers class.

During the course of the year Master classes with guest teachers will be offered as an insight to other methods of training these will be added as part of the curriculum.

Assessments and feedback to students and current teachers are part of the Summer Term and are conducted by The Principal and Director of the SEBS course.

Jazz and Contemporary lessons will be also part of the course and will be inserted into the timetable periodically.


Minimum age 14 years - auditonees can be 13 years when applying.

South East Ballet Scholars Limited

The Studios

661 Rayleigh Road



CM13 1SS

All content and images © South East Ballet Scholars 2016
Company Registration No: 91373040
England and Wales 
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